Direct Lineages
Donkin, Mikulosik, Murdoch, Tyssen, Simmons, Burbank, Heninger, Green
Combined | www database |
Other Related Lineages
Heninger - Piepgrass | www database |
Duffy, Dawson, Jager, Smith, Stander, Webster, VanBlaricom, Zachmann
Family Search
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
searchable databases.
Patrick Duffy has set up geneological information in this area
of our website for the convenience of friends and their extended families. These
pages link
to the actual sites. Feel free to submit changes
or recommendations for this page.
Geneology is compiled by our researchers into the Personal
Ancestral File program available for free
download at Family
Search. This information is stripped of
personal information on the living and source information into a GEDCOM
file, then is uploaded for browsing from
the Rootsweb sites.
You are cautioned that the information is not always accurate and we
are in the
process of doing verification and documentation of sources.
Changes or additions to the on-line information should be submitted
to the contacts listed above. You will speed the process if
you can send
them the information in the form of a GEDCOM file. We welcome
additions from descendants we may
not be aware of.
Requests for actual GEDCOM files should be very specific about
what is being requested since we do not normally send an entire
database to
people. We supply most information to other researchers at no
charge as long as they are willing to wait for us to get to their
For those who are in a hurry, want information that will take
time to put together, or are requesting information we have paid for
with either
time or money, we reserve the right to ask for compensation
which will
help fund our research efforts. If you wish to contribute -
please let us
We recommend you set up your own GEDCOM file for internet
on the World
Connect Project by RootsWeb. Remember to email
Patrick and any of our
family contacts a link to it. We will list it here for your convenience
if it has a link into one of our our families.
hosts much of our information free of charge.
by Patrick Michael Duffy, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.
Cost effective .ca Domain name registration by: Netfirms
Cost effective .com, .org, .ws registration and hosting by: 1&